Birdbaths In The Garden
Another way to accent or beautify your garden is with birdbaths.
These ornamental basins allow winged visitors a place to gather and drink from or to bathe in while enjoying other aspects of your garden area.
What bird could resist a beautiful place set up especially with them in mind!
The best part?
Anyone can set one up in their yard or garden in order to attract birds to visit.
It's a fact that all birds need a nice safe place to grab a drink and socialize with other birds.
By offering them a place where they can meet with others and drink fresh, clean water you'll have a sure way of encouraging birds to come into your yard.
Most baths are easy to care for.
Simply clearing them out, wiping them down and refilling them with fresh clean water on a regular basis is usually enough.
Some of the concrete baths may become a bit mossy and can be slippery for bird feet. These will require a bit of regular scrubbing to remove and keep the moss cleaned out.
If possible, setting one up near a low hanging tree would be a great way to give the birds have a safe place to jump to if they feel a need.
Try to avoid setting it up near shrubs where a cat or other predator might hide waiting to make a meal of your winged visitors.
You can provide a bath for your feathered friends in almost any style or variety of material you want.
There are copper and solar baths, ceramic, metal, concrete or plastic ones. You can choose a pedestal, hanging or deck mounted type, a heated or solar bath.
There are even sundial and fountain baths if you prefer.
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