Deck Corner Design
for Your Garden Area

In this deck corner design for your garden, small raised garden bed areas were set up on either corner of the deck.

In the spring, the outermost corner sprouts color with an Iris, 'Lady in Red'. The growing foliage provides greenery while waiting the blooms of the daylilies.

Mid-summer, a daylily trio, 'Smuggler's Gold', 'Camel Caravan', and 'Comanche Drums', take over the task of adding color at the edges of the deck.

Design for a deck corner

Design for a deck corner

a view of the daylily trio while standing on the deck

Iris 'Lady in Red' Design for deck corner

Spring ~ Iris
Lady in Red

Summer ~ Daylily Trio
(seen below)

Daylily Smuggler's Gold Daylily Camel Caravan Daylily Comanche Drums

Daylily; 24" M
Smuggler's Gold

Daylily; 28" M
Camel Caravan

Daylily; 22" EM
Comanche Drums

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