Garden Gloves
You’ll want to get in the habit of wearing gloves when working in the garden.
Garden gloves are essential garden apparel and a wonderful form of protection for your hands.
They help protect from dirt, cuts, scrapes and other abrasion.
Your hands are important to gardening. They are your ultimate tool.
You use them in the garden to pick up plants, dig small holes, place plants in those holes, pick up the watering can to water the plants, etc.

It’s best to cover and protect these ultimate gardening tools of yours so that they are ready for use daily both in and out of the garden.
You’ll want to be sure to have several pair of gloves handy so you always have clean ones to wear while you’re outside playing in the dirt.
Clean and dry your gloves after each use. Dirty gloves can chap and possibly cause irritation of your hands.
You may wish to have different types of gardening gloves available for different gardening chores.
- Least restrictive and minimum hand protection, are finger gloves. These are typically made from natural latex rubber and claim to be able to endure heat, splintered surfaces, needles and more.
- Waterproof rubber gloves are good if you’ll be working with water a lot in the garden. There are many durable work gloves that are fully waterproof.
- Regular chore gloves usually made of heavy cotton work well when digging and transplanting items in your garden. These gloves are machine washable and dryable.
- Leather gloves form good protection and are great for heavy-duty projects such as working with rough surfaces like stone or bricks. Long-armed, gauntlet-type leather garden gloves also can help to protect your hands…and arms…against the thorns of rose bushes or the sharp branches of blackberry brambles.
- There are even ergonomically designed gloves now available that help reduce hand fatigue while you're gardening.
You’ll want to be sure to choose gloves that fit well yet allow you to be able to pick up small items. Garden gloves that have wrist bands can help to keep out dirt, also. Avoid tight-fitting gloves that may make your hands perspire unnecessarily.
After you're done gardening for the day, remember to treat your hands to a nice cleaning and a good protective lotion to keep these natural tools of yours in tip-top condition for as long as possible.
Hand care tip #1
Lemon juice helps remove stains and cleans fingernails.
Hand care tip #2
A little Vaseline can help keep nails from becoming brittle and helps counteract the drying effect of water.
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