Bearded Iris Pictures

These beautiful bearded iris pictures give you just a glimpse of how gorgeous these flowers can be in your garden areas.

Aptly named for Iris, the Greek goddess of the rainbow, these lovely flowers are quite showy and are available in almost every color imaginable.

Single colors range from clean whites or pastel apricots to deep blue-violet flowers - mix them up for a kaleidoscope of color in your garden.

Be sure to check out some of the iris flowers with contrasting beards, also.

From spring to mid-summer, tall bearded iris can color your border or provide background in anticipation of the summer flowers to come.

iris everything plus 'Everything Plus'

iris twice thrilling 'Twice Thrilling'

iris fiction 'Fiction'

iris full tide 'Full Tide'

purple iris (unknown) Purple

yellow iris (unknown) Yellow

white iris (unknown) White

iris purple (unknown) Purple

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